MyMercado Platform for Rural Communities

There is little doubt that rural development is the key to sustainable development. A key target of the first Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) calls for reducing by at least half the proportion of people living in poverty by the year 2030 and it is in rural areas where poverty is highest. Today, 27 million people, or 41 per cent of people in Latin America who suffer extreme poverty in the region, live in rural areas. We believe that youth have a major role to play in helping change this trend. Our proposal for CONCAUSA is to develop a youth-developed and driven program and platform called MyMercado which will include providing technology (hardware and internet connectivity), training (technology use and marketing) and software (interactive platform) where teens can market their families’ agricultural or locally made products domestically and to the global market. In doing so we can also motivate youth to stay in their communities rather than fleeing or engaging in illicit activities.
¿Cómo nació el proyecto? ¿Cuál fue la inspiración?
The inspiration for MyMercado came in part from our backgrounds. Our team includes a social entrepreneur who has supported UNICEF, a filmmaker and son of a female farmer as well as an actor and writer--as such we were drawn to using our skills to effect change for teens and their families in rural Latin America. Our generation want products that have real, inspiring stories behind them and we have the ability today to help influence buying power through technology such as MyMercado.
¿Cuál es el estado actual del proyecto?
Hemos ejecutado algunas acciones
Mencionar las 2 acciones concretas que han realizado desde su proyecto
Establecer alianzas y diseñar plataforma
ODS principal relacionado con el proyecto
1. Fin de la pobreza
Otros ODSs relacionados al proyecto
8. Trabajo decente y crecimiento económico

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Seamos la generación que logra superar la pobreza y un desarrollo sostenible!

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